You do not need to register when exploring our flights, directions, prices and the possibility of booking any of the selected flights, but you need to register when you make a reservation on any of the flights in order to create your own account through which you can view the record of the movements you made through your account and also allows us to communicate with you

Bus Misr attaches great importance to developing the skills and capabilities of the work team, and always seeks to upgrade the skills of drivers and all company employees, and recently we signed a protocol with the Egyptian Center for Safe Driving to train 80% of drivers, and this comes as an affirmation of our vision in developing the skills of drivers and ensuring the safety and satisfaction of our customers.

Bus Misr seeks to provide a distinguished service to its customers, as they are always on its list of priorities, and this is evident in the company’s continuation of making a difference in the transportation system in general and its uniqueness by opening a central control room to follow up the movement of its fleet at the level of the Republic throughout the day. The aim of this room is that it puts us in the heart of the event, and its work is not limited to following up the movement only, but also monitoring the performance of drivers, the safety of our customers, monitoring drivers’ violations, and the speed of dealing in the event of any crises, which contributes to quick decision-making and immediate response to any emergency.

When you buy a return ticket together, it gives you the opportunity to get a discount on ticket prices starting from 10 pounds or more. The reservation system also allows you to enjoy the discount for going and returning even without specifying a return date (open return), where you can, dear customer, confirm your return at any time and for any service when you confirm your return date through our offices (terms and conditions apply)